Here at 29:11 Inc. we have some exciting opportunities we want to share with you - our loyal supporters.
Again, let me start off with saying thanks! We truly love everyone who takes the time to read our blog, support us financially and pray that God will be glorified by what we are doing at 29:11 Inc.
Our first totally awesome bit of information is that we have the opportunity to share our passion with a local church. We will be attending a service, sharing our passion, vision and plans with a local congregation and taking a love offering. Anyone out there starting a non profit knows how difficult it can be to get your information out there and get support financially.
If you would like to have us come and share who we are and what we do just contact us using the "e-mail us" bar to the left!!
Our second awesome
opportunity is to partner with another non profit, Eternal Outlook. They are an organization focused on helping people discover their gifts and create opportunities for them to serve. They also help promote ministries (like us) to get more stable financial support. As we have said, ministry isn't free, and we think it is awesome that God has connected us with others whose vision is to help organizations like ours.
We are extremely excited about these recent opportunities! Almost as excited as this adorable little guy!
The last thing we want to share with you comes from our friend over at Babbling Abby and it fits where we are and what we need to remember:
For now love and prayers!
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Love these ladies and this cause!