Friday, June 28, 2013

Kings & Queens

Have you heard this song?


It puts so much into perspective.  What makes our children:

...different than these children?

The short answer is where they were born.  At 29:11 Inc. we don't believe that where you live should determine if you live.

This song is amazing & thought provoking.  It starts off with this:  

"Little hands, shoe-less feet, lonely eyes looking back at me 
Will we leave behind the innocent too brief
On their own, on the run when their lives have only begun
These could be our daughters and our sons
And just like a drum i can hear their hearts beating
I know my God won't let them be defeated
Every child has a dream to belong and be loved"

So many children around the world are alone, hungry and without basic necessities.  We want to help change that.  We are hoping that others will be inspired by our vision and will help us meet the needs of these children.  

This is what we hope will happen to all the children around the world we are able to serve... 

"Boys become kings, girls will be queens
Wrapped in Your majesty
When we love, when we love the least of these.
Then they will be brave and free 
Shout your name in victory
When we love, when we love the least of these
When we love the least of these.

...and this is our prayer.
"Break our hearts once again
Help us to remember when 
We were only children hoping for a friend"

Don't you love it when music inspires and encourages you?  I hope this song encourages you to prayerfully seek where the Lord would have you support & serve!

"Won't you look around these are the lives that the world has forgotten 
Waiting for doors of our hearts and our homes to open"

"If not us who will be like Jesus
To the least of these.
If not us tell me who will be like Jesus
Like Jesus to the least of these."

Hope & a Future

Jeremiah 29:11
 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Statistics & Saddness

I know that anyone can make a statistic say whatever they want and that you should always "proceed with caution" when someone gives you a number or a percentage.  Therefor, this is a link to the Orphan Coalition with their information, numbers and where they got them.

Now for the heavy...

This hurts my heart.
For some people, it is easy to think of societal ills such as homeless, orphaned children and human trafficking as distant problems but these things, while highlighted in third world countries, happen everyday in the U.S.

I was shocked to read the number of orphaned children in the United States - 123,000
and then the number of children moving throughout the foster care system - 463,000

Here, at 29:11 Inc. we think that even one child without a permanent home is too many. While many of our pictures and stories are of children around the world, in third world countries, we NEVER want to forget that there are children here in need of hope and a future.

This is where you come in.  

We want to be encouraged by what you are currently doing in your own community to help homeless and orphaned children and how you think 29:11 could help.  Comment below or contact us with your thoughts and ideas and as always SHARE us with your friends, family, co-workers...anyone who has a similar passion to help those in need here and around the world.

As always

Jeremiah 29:11
 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Here at 29:11 Inc. we have some exciting opportunities we want to share with you - our loyal supporters.  

Again, let me start off with saying thanks!  We truly love everyone who takes the time to read our blog, support us financially and pray that God will be glorified by what we are doing at 29:11 Inc.   

Our first totally awesome bit of information is that we have the opportunity to share our passion with a local church.  We will be attending a service, sharing our passion, vision and plans with a local congregation and taking a love offering.  Anyone out there starting a non profit knows how difficult it can be to get your information out there and get support financially.   

If you would like to have us come and share who we are and what we do just contact us using the "e-mail us" bar to the left!!



Our second awesome 
opportunity is to partner with another non profit, Eternal Outlook.  They are an organization focused on helping people discover their gifts and create opportunities for them to serve.  They also help promote ministries (like us) to get more stable financial support.  As we have said, ministry isn't free, and we think it is awesome that God has connected us with others whose vision is to help organizations like ours.  

We are extremely excited about these recent opportunities!  Almost as excited as this adorable little guy! 

The last thing we want to share with you comes from our friend over at Babbling Abby and it fits where we are and what we need to remember:

For now  love and prayers! 

Jeremiah 29:11
 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Friday, June 21, 2013


First of all we want to say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for continuing to follow, pray for, & support 29:11 Inc. even though we haven't been updating our blog like we should.

We are making changes to keep you informed so you can help make our dream of 29:11 Inc. grow, and change the way communities worldwide support their homeless and orphaned children. 

We understand that not everyone can help overseas or support us financially - that is why we urge you and your circle of friends and family to pray.  Stay informed as to current and future goals, opportunities, and needs so you can be praying for 29:11 Inc., our members, volunteers, and those we are serving. 
We also hope to have local volunteer opportunities so check back with us regularly to see how you can get involved!!

Yesterday we had a meeting. Several decisions were made and ideas were discussed. Here are our most recent updates: 

* money was earmarked to file for our  501(c)(3) and our legal partner is moving forward with that process 

* a Social Media Coordinator was elected  - this is something we are excited about and we hope you are as well - we promise to do a better job keeping our supporters & followers informed and updated and keeping all of our social media linked 

Follow us on Instagram

* we discussed an upcoming trip to Kenya and how exactly God would have us move - please keep this is your prayers as we have heard "go" but not many other details - specifically when

* an idea was brought up about partnering with a church we are currently connected with to create a day center for children - we will post more details regarding this project along with pictures later this week

*cookies were had by all (well almost all ha ha) if you haven't had fresh cookies from Panera you should!!

Okay, so that last part didn't have much to do with the meeting but I think it is relevant information for anyone reading who lives near a Panera Bread - and hey, maybe they will support us for giving them a shout out! 

For now, that's where we are. Focused, planning, praying & listening...

Jeremiah 29:11 
  For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.