Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kakamega Kenya - providing for street children

Our vision is to come alongside local communities to encourage & equip them to meet the needs of the orphaned and homeless children in their communities. We are looking for your help to continue doing this in Kakamega Kenya. 

Kakamega is a about an 8 hour drive from the capital city of Nairobi. Aspects of it are what you would expect to see in an African country while others might not be. Here are some pictures we have taken:

The culture in Africa is very different from U.S. culture. It shocks and outrages us that hungry and dying children on the street are passed by as if they do not exist. For a moment, we were able to change that. 

On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 we partnered with Vicotorious Children's Home, Mission to the Fatherless and local community members to provide a shower, food, comfort and some time for homeless and orphaned children to just be kids. It was amazing. 

This boy has no family and survives on the streets of Kakamega. At first, he didn't want to play, relax or even speak but after he realized he was safe with us, his entire demeanor changed. 😀

We cut tomatoes, potatoes & peppers for about 200 children. 

Local community members offered their time, money and compassion and will continue to do so even after we are gone. 

Juice for 200+ children must be made on buckets. Ha ha

This little guy didn't start smiling until after he had eaten. We were so glad we got to see that handsome face!!  

Time to play and forget about surviving for even a short bit of time. 

Soap - kids are kids - most of the children didn't want to shower until we said we would eat AFTER they bathed lol. They RAN to the facilities. 

There was also a time of singing and prayer where we told the children how much we love them and how God wants them to have hope and a future. 

Now for your part. 

What we did was great and we have several people partnering with us and supporting us locally in Kakamega but they CANT DO IT ALONE. 

We are in need of 20 people to commit to becoming monthly partners at $20/month

Without recurring support we will not be able to continue to impact the lives of these beautiful children. 

If this is a decision you have made, would like to make or if you have any questions, please let us know via Facebook, twitter, email or comment here. 

We have so many amazing pictures and experiences but you'll have to keep checking back with us to see them all. 

If you would like to be updated frequently, like our Facebook page 

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