Monday, August 12, 2013

An Update from Victorious Children's Home

This is Vicki (and some of our amazing children here at 29:11 Inc.)

For those of you who don't know, Vicki is an amazing woman who runs Victorious Children's Home, an orphanage in Kakamega, Kenya. She is so much more than a "supervisor" to these children.  She is Mama.  The way the children say her name with such love and joy, it makes me wish my children said my name like that all the time!

Periodically, we get email updates form Vicki about the children, weather, political environment, thanks and prayer needs.  This morning we got an email update and we wanted to share it with you.


Here is her letter:

"Dear friends and family in CHRIST,
Its my prayer that this find you cradled in the loving arms of the Father.Here at VCH all is well with our souls as we continue to focus on the LORD.
     I first and foremost want to thank you all for standing with us at a time when we needed you most.Your love and prayers are priceless,we can't find enough siver and gold to pay for that,only eternity will tell how much we appreciated your support from the time when Simon got sick until the time he was promoted to glory.It was for sure a big challenge for me and the kids but your prayers navigated us through this stormy and raging sea.
Simon came my way at age six,he was hiv positive and all his siblings had passed on.A shy little boy that looked younger than his age had sores all over his body,a blotted stomach from mulnutrition and feeble had grown into a very strong teenager who was daring to face life with its cruelty.He enjoyed his family at Victorious children's home where he found peace,love and care not just from us but also from GOD.
      His testimony fro nine years never changed,he always thanked GOD for giving him life freely and evey time mentioned that if man was giving him such care he would not be able to pay back and ended up with a song that said GOD had given him a shot that had healed him completely and i believe this gave him strength for each day and courage for every battle.
After 12 days of hospitalization he came back home and told stories how in the hospital ward had had prayed with 7 dying patients leading them to CHRIST.He was very jovial when narrating this to the rest of the family at vch and it actually gave him great joy.
Simon was a delight to be with and GOD gave us 9 wonderful years to be a blessing in his life and him in ours.
We have gone through moaning and grieving,now we are ready to move on and wait for when we shall meet again.
Once again i want to thank you so much for being a family to us during this moment,we drew a lot of strength from you and no word can express our appreciation.
       Back to life again,thanks for praying for the teacher's strike in Kenya that took three precious learning weeks from our students,the stike is now over and teachers are workig out a formula to make up for the lost time meaning school has been extended for one ad a half weeks cutting down the August holiday to two weeks,so kids are coming home the end of this week and will be going back for the third semester in September.
Thank you so much for your support for food and school tuition,you have given the kids a lifeline and a bright future. We still desire your coveted prayers for the many challenges life brings as these kids grow up and also with economic crisis that the world is facing right now,natural disasters,terror threats and increased rate of death. Death has become very rampard amongst us and we don't really know why,HIV/AIDS is no longer a threat to us,but very managable diseases like malaria and sudden death are claiming many lives.
May GOD bless you i very aspect of your lives,
Your sister,

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Love & Prayers!

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