In less than a week it will be August which means school is right around the corner.
As you are back to school shopping with the children in your lives & preparing for a new school year, please take some time to pray for children in places such as Kenya. Children who don't go to air conditioned classrooms with SMART boards, games, computers...
...children who attend schools like this.
They look very different from the schools we send our children to. Most of us wouldn't dream of sending our children to a school that resembled this one (and we definitely wouldn't pay tuition to send them!) but in Kenya, children are just happy to have a school to go to. Wouldn't you love to be a part of a school improvement project in Kenya, India or even in the United States?
At 29:11 Inc., we may not be ready to open a school or pay tuition for orphans but we can help ensure that children in Kakamega, Kenya have a day center where they can be fed, encouraged and receive medical care. This is what we are currently planning for and if you would like to help visit our website and click on "Donate Today"
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.
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