Monday, March 3, 2014

Oscars & updates

Didn't catch the Oscars but we are definitely hearing the buzz about Lupita Nyonog'o's inspiring speech. 

"No matter where you're from, your dreams are valid" 

❤️Love. Love. Love. ❤️

It is the same message we are currently sharing with children living on the streets of Kenya. 

Our goal is sustainability. We don't want to be the people who come, help and then leave. We are working in Kenya to change the culture/mindset of the local people. Instead of overlooking children starving & dying on the streets we want community members to see a need and meet it. 

This is Bradley. He is 12 & lives in a children's home. He is technically an orphan. The tiny boy in the front isn't so lucky. He lives on the streets of Kakamega, Kenya trying to find food and stay safe each day.
Bradley is one of the people making a difference. A 12 year old boy who is looking out for, playing with, & encouraging other children when they come to our program to eat. 

Bradley is just one of a group of people making a difference in the lives of others. He doesn't have money. He can't drive to pick up children. He isn't even allowed to cook but he is serving and encouraging his peers who aren't as lucky as him. He is using his own time to make a difference in the lives of others. 

What are you doing to make a difference? 
Tell us on our Facebook page 

Make a difference by donating 

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